Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bad Aura

Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in people's minds these days.

For some strange reasons, I get easily irritated by people's behaviour nowadays. All the bo-chapness around me are really making me frustrated. They suck so much energy out of me. A good friend of mine in NYC told me to run it off. I must admit the merits of sweating out those "bad for health" bad energy i absorbed from my surroundings. But still.....that doesn't solve the problem does it?

Perhaps it is simply me acquiring a more sensitive skin to this old allergy of mine. I simply cannot understand why people can be so indifferent to things that goes on around them everyday. It simply irks me to talk to people as if I am talking to those teenagers depicted in juvenile delinquency movies shouting cliche phrases like "whatever", "so what", "I don't care".

I think I am like that sometimes. Seriously. But I think I hate being that if I know I am behaving like that. To close my eyes, ears and mouth to things happening around me. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. It seems like that's the way to stay alive in this society. JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. That's the motto of life.

I think I have no more energy in trying to create synergy. I think synergy is now a myth to me. Like ..... mermaid. Perhaps merlion is more realistic. No one really bothers about sharing anymore. To grow through sharing of ideas, visions, common goals. Nah....those are myths. The truth is, wait for people to tell you what they have to offer and gain out of it. Take it and zoom away as fast as you can. That's the way to live. That's the way to maintain the so-called energy in you. Be sucked or suck.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Be a Singaporean!

Guys, This is a MUST-SEE movie.

Pls support local movies. Besides, this is a story that is really close to heart. Still remember why you are a Singaporean? The movie tells you all about it.

Bitter sweet and really amazing how it strucks the deepest chords in you. You can listen to an interview of the directors Woo Yen Yen and Colin Goh from here.

Be a Singaporean! Watch this! Support local movies! They need 3 million to just break even!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

We were young once...

We were the young ones....

*notice the WERE.....gosh....3 years seems long ago!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blew My Top

I blew my top yesterday.

For reasons I'm still trying hard to understand.
Perhaps there's simply too much under currents in me,
all accumulated and released at one shot.

I almost can't recognise myself yesterday.
Or I think the 11.6% amsterdam beer took the cap off me.

Goodbye to my lovely "twisted" bottle from Hong Kong.
Thanks for the sacrifice.